FSP Services
Educational and Child Psychologists working for First Step Psychology work with individual children and young people aged 0-25, as well as the adults that support these young people. We work in schools, young people's homes and in other agency settings. We aim to support young people, parents and professionals to move forward with problem situations in a solution focussed way. We use our psychological understanding of how children learn and develop to deliver highly professional psychology services to affect change. We adopt a positive problem solving approach, utilising our creativity and flexibility to allow us to be supportive and productive for our clients. Below are some of the specific services we offer:
Supporting School Systems and Staff
Consultation with senior management and school staff using a solution focused framework e.g. Joint problem solving in action;
Interventions to improve social communication and interaction skills i.e. Video Interaction Guidance (VIG) / Video Enhanced Reflective Practice (VERP);
Obtaining and representing the views of children and young people;
Organisational and systemic psychological approaches, e.g. Whole School Improvement;
Bespoke training packages targeting the needs of your school;
Supervision and professional development of staff.
Work with Parents
Parent Consultation, using a solution focused framework e.g. joint problem solving in action;
Person Centred Planning;
Psychological advice and support;
Interventions to improve social communication and interaction skills i.e. Video Interaction Guidance (VIG) / Video Enhanced Reflective Practice;
Parenting support.
Direct work with Children
A broad range of assessment work e.g. Cognitive assessment / Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD), dyslexia) / Literacy and / or numeracy skills / Social and Emotional Wellbeing / Memory / Executive Functioning / Exam Dispensation / Specialist assessment for children who are looked after;
School based observations;
Social Skills interventions, e.g. Circle of Friends / Play and Learning to Socialise (PALS)
Anger management;
Therapeutic based interventions using: Cognitive Behavioural Theraputic work using CBT techniques / Solution Focused Brief Therapy Techniques;
Motivational Interviewing with teenagers;
Interventions to improve social communication and interaction skills i.e. Video Interaction Guidance (VIG) / Video Enhanced Reflective Practice (VERP);
Obtaining and representing the views of children and young people;
Person centred planning for annual reviews.
The FRIENDS programmes, referred to in the DfE (2014) advisory paper, 'Mental Health and emotional behaviour in schools', helps children and young people cope with feelings of fear, worry, and anxiety by teaching cognitive, behavioural, and emotional skills in a simple, well-structured format. FSP psychologists have experience of running this CBT based intervention for younger children (KS1) (Fun Friends), 'Friends' for Older children (KS2) and 'Youth Friends' for adolescents.